Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Website Update and Needs

Hello again from Clay Street, the Harlem of Annapolis.

I would like to bring you all up to speed on the website, what its going to be, how it will help the community, etc.

First and foremost, there is going to be a history section. This is the part that I most need your help with. I am a relative new resident of Clay Street, I have been here for just under a year now. What the site needs is the authenticity stamp from the long time residents, or long ago residents, or current or recent residents. What I am looking for is the history told through the eyes of those who know the stories. So, with that being said, here's what I can do to help the process. I have got a few friends that have video cameras and editing equipment. They can film people telling their stories and we can put them up on the site! Further, if people are camera shy not to worry because those people can write their stories and we can put them in the history section as well.

Also, there is going to be a photo gallery, here is where we will have pictures from the past and present of Clay Street. We've got to capture the essence of the spirit of the neighborhood. I have spoken with some people over at the Stanton Center and they have quite a few pictures but, I know there are a lot more. If you have a photo album, or you know someone who does and you have pictures, tell them about the project! We are looking for anything and everything Clay Street!

We are going to have the weather on the site, so you can check to see whether or not you will need a coat before you go outside. Also, there is going to be news feeds from the Capital piped into the site so you can check out what's going on in this great city of ours. Last but, not least we are going to have links to other sites that represent Annapolis in their own way.

Of course, as I have mentioned in the past there is going to be a forum as well. This will allow everyone to discuss ideas, make announcements, and keep updated as to what's going down.

Lets keep the ideas flowing, let me know what else we could add to the site to make it more compelling and helpful for the greater Clay Street commnunity.

I will be learning how to navigate the site on Friday. My hope is to work out the kinks this weekend and to have everything live by the middle of next week.

Thank you again for all the support, this is a team effort no question.


lessthanfresh said...

Cant wait to see the site up and running Timm. Keep up the good work.

Timm said...


Thanks again for the words my man.
